법의 문화사 출간(전 6권)

[법의 문화사] 전6권 출간 소식


고대에서 현대에 이르기까지 4,500년의 법사에 관해 57명의 법사학자가 문화사적 관점에서 접근한 6권 짜리 책이 곧 출간되기에 회원 여러분께 알려 드립니다.

– Gary Watt (ed.), A Cultural History of Law, 6 vol., Bloomsbury Academic, 2018.11., approx. 1,200ps.

각권의 서지사항은 아래와 같습니다.

Vol. 1 : A Cultural History of Law in Antiquity [2500 BCE-500 CE]
Edited by Julen Etxabe, University of Helsinki, Finland

Vol. 2 : A Cultural History of Law in the Middle Ages [500-1500]
Edited by
Emanuele Conte, Roma Tre University, Italy and EHESS, Paris, France and
Laurent Mayali, University of California at Berkeley, USA

Vol. 3 : A Cultural History of Law in the Early Modern Age [1500-1680]
Edited by Peter Goodrich, Cardozo School of Law, New York, USA

Vol. 4 : A Cultural History of Law in the Age of Enlightenment [1680-1820]
Edited by
Rebecca Probert, University of Exeter, UK and
John Snape, University of Warwick, UK

Vol. 5 : A Cultural History of Law in the Age of Reform [1820-1920]
Edited by Ian Ward, Newcastle University, UK

Vol. 6 : A Cultural History of Law in the Modern Age [1920-present]
Edited by
Richard K Sherwin, New York University Law School, USA and
Danielle Celermajer, University of Sydney, Australia

한국법사학회 홍기원 회원님의 소개에 의하였습니다.